POSTED UNDER Earth, Kitchen, Money, AND MORE

Spell for Prosperity

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Myrrh
Thursdays are excellent days to cast spells for money and employment. Assemble your tools for this spell in the kitchen. You will need a covered earthenware dish, a bayberry candle, a lodestone (or substitute a magnet). You'll also need sea salt, a photograph of yourself, and paper money. Choose a bill as large as you can afford to demonstrate your seriousness. Light the candle and center. Show the candle flame both sides of the money, then fold the money three times and clip it to the back of your photo. Place your photo in the bottom of your earthenware dish and place the lodestone on top of it. Sprinkle salt around the photograph three times saying:
Orbiting Jupiter, thrice the Sun,
Bring money on the run.
Cover the dish and store it somewhere in the kitchen where it will remain unmolested.

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