Kite Flying Day

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Almond
In the town of Hamamatsu in Japan there is a 400-year-old tradition of kite-flying, which began to honor the birth of a child. Today, teams dress in sixteenth-century costumes and "do battle" with their giant kites. Bits of glass are attached to the kite tails in an effort to sever opponents' strings. Spectators fly kites as well during the celebration that lasts several days. This would be a good day to get out and fly a kite of your own as a way to work with wind energy and the element of air. Here's a spell for using the air element to stir up change in your life. Do this while flying a kite, or simply go outside or open a
window-find a way to feel the movement of air.
Winds of Change,
swirling 'round,
help to turn my life around.
Winds of Change,
guide my way,
Come into my life today.

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