POSTED UNDER Air, Friends, Protection, AND MORE

Pickled Garlic for Magical Use

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Rosemary
A pickled and refrigerated jar of garlic comes in very handy when in a rush to prepare a ritual that requires it. Used in protection spells, garlic bulbs can be mashed and rubbed on candles, pentagrams, and other magical accoutrements. After touching an object filled with negative energies, use a mashed garlic bulb to rub your hands before washing with soap. Extra jars can be made for giving to friends or selling at fairs, Pagan gatherings, and school fetes. It is simple and fast to make. This recipe makes 4 quarts. The ingredients include 4 quart jars full of peeled garlic bulbs, enough cold water to top off the jars, and 2 to 3 tablespoons salt per jar. Boil the water and salt. A little vinegar can also be added. Cool the liquid before pouring over garlic bulbs in the jar. Store at room temperature for two days. Continue the pickling process in the refrigerator for two to three months.

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