POSTED UNDER Earth, Love, Spring

Day of Blood

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Bay laurel
This day was a day of mourning for the Roman god Attis, who castrated himself out of guilt after he betrayed his lover, Cybele. He bled to death, and was then resurrected. This represents the life cycle of cutting down and rising again, as mourners held a vigil over an empty tomb, symbolizing the god's resurrection. This universal cycle is celebrated in many different ways in various religious traditions during the springtime of the year. To symbolize the blood of life and the cycle of renewal, decorate your altar (or other sacred space) with red and white flowers and candles. Fill a goblet with red wine or red fruit juice and chant the following:
As all things, wax and wane,
Life does, too, again and again.
Celebrate the cycle of life as you drink and save a little liquid to pour outside on the ground as an offering to the Earth.
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