Malachite for Protection

Color of the day:  Indigo
Incense of the day:  Patchouli
It was once thought that nothing positive could be achieved on March 6, a day considered "perilous." Perhaps you are the cautious sort who likes to be extra careful just in case, or maybe you have your own unlucky days. Try wearing a small piece of malachite either as a piece of jewelry or in a bag around your neck for luck. Malachite is one of the earliest gems to be discovered and used. A malachite decoration estimated to be more than ten thousand years old was unearthed in Iraq. Because of its high copper content, malachite has a magnetic quality. Known as a traveler's stone, malachite is said to break into pieces to warn you of danger. If worn against the skin, it promotes sleep and general well-being, cures depression, and attracts love. And if that's not enough, malachite is one of the most beautiful gems in the world.
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