Spell for New Beginnings

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Bayberry
Imbolc - Groundhog Day

Today is Imbolc, a day sacred to Brigid, Celtic goddess of the hearth flame. Let's work some fire magic! If you have a fireplace in your home or an outdoor fire pit, build the fire, and cast the spell while gazing into the flames. If you need to remain inside, a cluster of white or red candles in various shapes and sizes arranged on a large charger plate will work out beautifully. Wait until dark if you are outside, or turn off all the lights if you are inside. Then light a wooden match and see how much light that one little flame actually creates. Now light the fire or your arrangement of candles and take a few moments to ground and center yourself. Once your fire is burning nicely or the candles have all been lit and are merrily flickering away, begin the spell.
I banish darkness, on this Imbolc night,
In its place I create both warmth and light.
May the goddess Brigid hear my heartfelt call,
Bless my home and all who live here, one and all.
Now I close this verse,
bringing harm to none,
By fire's bright magic, this spell is done.
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