The Burns Supper

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Neroli
Every January 25, folks in Scotland (and elsewhere) celebrate the life and creativity of poet Robert Burns, who died in 1796. An active Freemason for many years, Burns was also an honorary member of several lodges across Scotland. "Burns suppers" started shortly after his death, held initially on his death-day, July 21, then moved to January 25.
While a full Burns supper is an elaborate group affair, with much good food and readings of Burns' poetry, you can take the opportunity today to celebrate the creativity of poets throughout history as well as Burns himself. Make today a day of poetry. If you've been planning to write rituals for any reason, especially those that involve reciting verse, use today to research the poetry of others or create your own. Contact the muse Calliope and other beings who watch over the rhymes and rhythms of poetry.
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