POSTED UNDER Cat, Garden, Prayer

A Spell for Activism

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Hyssop
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

As we all know, Dr. King devoted his life to championing the oppressed. Through his efforts and leadership, African-Americans realized a better life. But think of how many people on this planet still suffer from oppression through bigotry. Think of how animals suffer at the hands of humans. Don't get depressed! Make a vow to dedicate however many hours you feel you can commit this year to a cause that moves you. Write your vow on a sheet of paper, fold it three times, and place it beneath a blue candle. Next to the candle, place an image of Martin Luther King. Sit before the candle and center. When you're ready, light the candle. Ask the Spirit to embolden you to act for what you believe in. Stay with that prayer until you feel it. Leave the candle burning until it's nearly spent, then burn your vow in its flame. Bury the remains of the candle in your garden or in a pot.
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