POSTED UNDER Charm, Winter

Russian New Year

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Bay laurel
With the excitement of the holidays behind us and the coldest, grayest parts of winter still to come, it's easy to sink into the doldrums and let resolutions slide. But today, the old Russian New Year, is a great day to push the reset button and get back on track! Dig through your junk drawer or craft cabinet and find a shiny button and a piece of string about 18 to 20 inches long. Run the string through the button and hold an end in each hand. Focus your energy on your desire to get things started and see things through. Repeat the following charm:
Every second a fresh start
Every moment new
One touch of a button
Gives the power to redo!

Wear the button on the string around your neck. When you feel yourself losing your momentum, grab the button, give it a push, and let yourself start over again!
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