
Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Geranium
Today is the Roman celebration of Compitalia that honors the protective household spirits called the Lares, who were considered to be the children of Mercury and the Naiad Lara. They were often depicted in art as a pair of dancing youths. According to tradition, Roman homes had a shrine dedicated to the Lares and on this special day, they were celebrated and given offerings of wine, bread, milk, and honey. Here is a modern charm that celebrates the old gods or spirits of the household. I suggest leaving an offering to these household spirits. Light a white candle in their honor and repeat the charm.
I call upon the Lares, guardians of the hearth and home,
To honor your day, as celebrated in ancient Rome.
I ask for protection and joy, with the aid of the Lares,
Bless this magical home and family, with love to spare.
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