Blessing the Day

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Eucalyptus
Each day brings a whole new host of opportunities. Both for personal growth and magical development, it helps to acknowledge these possibilities with a daily blessing. Here is a spell to bless your day that you can customize for your own needs.
I bless this day as it comes to me, full of promise and potential.
I give thanks for the things I have, for they fulfill my desires:
Now list three things you already have and enjoy.
I give thanks for the things I have not, for everyone needs goals:
List three things you would like to have but do not yet.
I give thanks for the good things that may happen, because gratitude increases positive energy.
I give thanks for the bad things that may happen,
because challenge increases growth.
May my divine patrons guide and guard me:
Now you may name the specific gods and goddesses you worship.
In all these ways, with all my heart, I bless this day.

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