POSTED UNDER Blessing, Family, Love


Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Myrrh
Today is Thanksgiving Day in the United States. To celebrate, use this part spell/part ritual to give thanks and spread the abundance to others. Ask your dinner guests to bring something to donate. If you're alone, set aside items to donate to an upcoming food pantry collection. Make this a part of your tradition each year and bless the items with a spell for abundance. If you're comfortable doing so, make this ritual part of your family's gathering today. If not, perform this ritual in private to further enhance the festivities of the day. Gather the donated items together in a basket or box. Light a white candle as you bestow blessings on the items:
With thankful hearts we give this food,
In love and hope and gratitude.
Touch the items and visualize them helping those in need.
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