POSTED UNDER Blessing, Children, Luck, AND MORE

A Children’s Spell

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Rue
Children flood temples in India today to receive blessings from the Goddess. Celebrate this festival with your children by taking them to the park or to a hillside. Have your child make a wish and blow bubbles. Watch the bubbles float up into the sky carrying your child's wish up to the Goddess. It's important not to speak of the wish, in order for it to come true. Have the child make as many wishes as they like and join in if you have a mind to do so. Leave an offering of fruit or flowers for the Goddess at the base of a tree. To protect your child from illness and negativity, hang a string of little bells from the ceiling over your child's bed. Coral has been used as protection for children for thousands of years. If you're lucky enough to find a piece of broken coral washed up on the beach, by all means, put it on the windowsill of your child's room for extra protection.
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