Norse Winternights Begins

Color of the day:  Turquoise
Incense of the day:  Jasmine
The Norse people remember their ancestors during the Winternights-between October 29 and November 2-which mark the beginning of winter in the Norse lands. This is also the beginning of the Norse Wild Hunt, and divination is traditional. If you read runes, or other oracles, Winternights is an excellent time for consulting the fates about the upcoming year. For this spell, gather and light three candles: white, red, and black. Holding your hands above your runes or other oracle, speak:
Winds of the north do I now feel
As I call to the sister fates
Urdh the spindle, Verdandi the wheel
Skuld cuts the fine thread -or waits
Sisters of Wyrd, the Ladies three,
'Twas never a wiser band
Casting the runes you inspire me
I implore you to guide my hand
Read your runes or other oracle to discover the path of your upcoming year. Leave an offering of red food and drink for the fates.

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