Freeze Negativity

Color of the day:  Maroon
Incense of the day:  Cinnamon
Color of the day: Maroon
Incense of the day: Cinnamon

Sometimes it is necessary to block negative influences or people from our lives. Ice magic is a very effective way to "put the freeze" on things that will not otherwise take no for an answer. Find an object that represents the influence or person you need to restrain from your life. If it is indeed a person, a picture or letter from that individual is best. Place the object in the center of a sheet of foil. Close up the foil with at least seven folds in such a way as to form a packet. Light a black candle and drip wax from it along the closure of the packet while chanting, "No longer can you enter my life, no longer can you cause me strife, on ice you go, on ice you stay, go you now away this day." Place the packet in the back of your freezer and leave it there.
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