Stop Gossip

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Cypress
Color of the day: Rose
Incense of the day: Cypress

Having people gossip about you and spread rumors behind your back can be one of the hardest social situations to handle. Use this spell in conjunction with other, more traditional means to tackle the issue. You'll need an empty jar with matching lid, broken seashells, a handful of new nails, a piece of paper, and a black marker. Fill the jar halfway with the nails. Then write "stop gossip about me" on the piece of paper. Place it in the jar and fill the rest with the broken shells. Say this incantation as you seal the container:

I suffocate and seal the bad words sent my way
Shredding them like the angry sea
Nailing them to the deep darkness
Now, no more gossip or slander will haunt my day.

Before the next New Moon, bury the jar deep in the ground.

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