POSTED UNDER Charm, Peace, Protection

Nightmare Charm

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Rose
Color of the day: Silver
Incense of the day: Rosemary

If you've been having nightmares more frequently lately, consider using this charm. You'll need a small plate, a piece of cream paper, a blue pen, and at least one tablespoon of the following herbs: peppermint, lavender, rosemary, and chamomile. Draw a large pentacle in the center of your paper. Hold your hand over the image and speak this incantation:

Mean and evil dreams be gone
with this pentacle charm.
I summon forth this protection power
through every midnight hour.

Visualize yourself sleeping peacefully. Next, measure out each herb individually. Inhale the herbal scent as you place it in the center of the plate. Run your fingers through the mixture and say, "Bad dreams that haunt my every night, I banish thee from my sight!" Finally, fold the pentacle paper and drop it on top of the herbs. Keep the charm near your bed each night.

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