POSTED UNDER Bath, Love, Water

Revitalization Meditation

Occasionally the wheel of the world gets a little stuck. This spell gives it a nudge when you feel overwhelmed by challenges. To start, do something nice for a person needier than you; this can be as simple as shopping for a housebound friend or as complex as cleaning your closet to donate clothes to charity. Next, take a milk bath, a traditional way to nourish body and soul: Pour a can of condensed milk into your bathwater and soak for at least ten minutes. Meditate on the infinite abundance of the universe and visualize it flowing your way. Recite this mantra as you soak: "With open hands and open heart-as I have given, I receive-love and hope and miracles, and the power to believe." Finish with an invigorating shower. Over the next days, whenever you need reassurance or courage, repeat the mantra. Help is on the way!
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