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Spell for Luck

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Violet
Color of the day: Rose
Incense of the day: Violet

With Hal-an-Tow! Jolly Rumble, O!
For we are up as soon as any day, O!
And for to fetch the summer home,
The summer and the May, O!
For Summer is a-come!
And Winter is a-gone, O!

Festivals throughout Great Britain celebrate the return of the Green Man and Flora. On this day, known as Furry Day, the celebrants dress in their best clothes, gather green boughs to decorate their houses, and wear sprigs of Lily of the Valley. It's considered a breach of conduct to work today; rather, they visit friends and dance through their houses and gardens, eventually spilling out into the streets. Plan a dinner party, or better yet, a dance party. Fill your house with greenery and flowers and raise a toast to Flora and the Green Man for a year of good fortune.
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