Sacred Space Spell

To create a sacred space, take paper and pen, a white candle and lighter, a metal bowl, and a mirror, and sit down in a place of your choosing. Light the candle, place it in front of the mirror and gaze into its flame. Gradually visualize your own image behind the flame. Imagine it aging, and recognize this image as your elder self, your high self. Ask this wiser being a question about a problem that has been bothering you, and listen carefully for a quiet voice of conscience to speak to you. Receive words of wisdom about the spiritual solution for your problem, and write your promise to take this advice. Catch the edge of the paper in the flame, offering your pledge to the spirit. Drop the flaming paper into the bowl, and offer the ashes to the south wind.
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About Maria Kay Simms
Maria Kay Simms is an author, artist and a professional astrologer of 30 years experience. She is internationally recognized by the astrological community as an author, former president of Astro Communications Services, Inc. and also for her organizational leadership. From 1999-2004 she served as ...
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