POSTED UNDER Prosperity, Success, Sun, AND MORE

Solar Success Spell

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Heliotrope
Color of the day: Gold
Incense of the day: Heliotrope

Cast this spell during the day, preferably at noon, to infuse your life with fruitful, successful energies. You'll need a yellow candle, appropriate candleholder, bergamot oil, a piece of paper, and a pen with green ink. In front of a window with sunlight, hold the candle between your palms and visualize your goal. Rub a few drops of oil on your candle and place it in the holder. Light the wick and say this incantation:

Oh dynamic Sun
I draw down your solar energy
Power of light and goodness
To summon forth success and prosperity
And bind it to my name
With harm to none, may it be done
So mote it be.

Finally, write your name with three dollar signs on the paper. Fold it up and keep it near the candle. Relight and visualize your goal a few days at noon until the candle is burnt down.

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