POSTED UNDER Bath, Bathroom, Charm, AND MORE

Washing Away Negativity

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Clary sage
Color of the day: Silver
Incense of the day: Clary sage

Today is a Monday and we are in a waning Moon, so let's use the "April showers" that are traditionally occurring at this time of year to wash away any negativity that may be hanging about. If it isn't raining today, this spell could be easily adapted to work in the bathroom shower! Get out in the rain, or under the water, and repeat the charm three times:

April showers bring May flowers, we know that is true,
Let us speak this Witch's rhyme to wash away the blues.
April showers wash away all negativity,
By the powers of the waning Moon, now must it be!
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