Celebrate Life Spell

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Lavender
Color of the day: Brown
Incense of the day: Lavender

"Happy Birthday to You" was first published on this day in 1924. Time to throw yourself and your friends a celebration of life spell! Have each person you invite bring a picture of themself when they were young and any others from important times of their life. Place the pictures on the altar and, while calling the directions, say:

From our beginning to our end, we celebrate our lives and our achievements.
Great Goddess, we give thee thanks for all the lessons learned, all the richness of experience and the joys bestowed upon us.
May our life continue to be a celebration of life. Blessed be.

Later, have each person write a secret wish on a birthday card and place them in a sealed envelope. In the next year to come, revisit these wishes with your friends, opening the cards and sharing stories. End the celebration with a birthday cake.

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