Color of the day: White Incense of the day: Ylang-Ylang Incense of the day: Ylang-ylang Computers often attract spirit elementals. A computer is basically a material housing for an elaborate construct of the mind. Most of what makes a computer useful exists in a whole different dimension! Just as you might summon a fire elemental for your hearth or perhaps an earth elemental for your garden, it's a good idea to summon a spirit elemental to help keep your computer running smoothly. You'll need a silver candle and something symbolizing your computer, such as a floppy disk or a photo. Light the candle and say: Light of the mind, Go forth and find A spirit to aid my spell. Let it be had; Let it be glad In my computer to dwell. Spirit of thought, What I have wrought From now on guard and keep well. Visualize a helpful spirit elemental entering your computer symbol. Let the candle burn out; keep the symbol near your computer. |