POSTED UNDER Air, Luck, Prosperity, AND MORE

Yule Meditation

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Hyacinth
Color of the day: Gold
Incense of the day: Hyacinth

Yule is the ancient holiday celebrating the Winter Solstice, a time when the Sun is at its weakest and the calendar is coming to a close. Although most customs, beginning with Saturnalia, have to do with light, prosperity, and luck for the New Year, many of us find ourselves at odds with the manic party energy surrounding the holidays. Why not celebrate this Sabbat, the longest night of the year, by aligning ourselves with the dormant energies of winter? Begin this spell after dinner. Turn the radio, television, and all your electric lights off. Dress yourself in a fresh pair of pajamas. If you have a fireplace, by all means build a fire. If not, burn a stout red candle. As you gaze into the flames, try to empty your mind of worldly concerns. Breathe and look into the flames with a soft focus. Images will begin to suggest themselves to you. Give yourself the gift of at least an hour of this quiet time.

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