Steady Spending Spell

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Ylang-Ylang
Color of the day: Red
Incense of the day: Ylang-ylang

This is the holy day of Sapientia, a Roman goddess from whom knowledge abounds. During these busy, cold days leading up to Yule, one can sometimes lose one's head with all the fuss, bother, and buying. Here is a spell to steady oneself before impulsive acts lead to bad purchases. Before going shopping, gather your thoughts, breathing deep. Hold your wallet/purse in your hand and chant:

From my hand to your hand
But not without thought,
Sapientia, I seek thy wisdom
Before my gifts are bought.
Guide me to good choices
And from bad ones, away,
Sapientia, goddess of wisdom,
Guide me on this day.

Lists can also be blessed with this spell, especially if you are looking for a hard-to-find item. Simply request it at the end of the spell, saying the item three times and visualizing yourself getting a good bargain.

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