Peace Invocation

Color of the day:  Lavender
Incense of the day:  Lily
Color of the day: Lavender
Incense of the day: Lily

One of the greatest accomplishments of the magical path is a deep connection with a sense of peace. Peace brings us increased awareness and vision, harmony and understanding, wisdom and ability. When you seek a deep connection with this inner place, create a spiral on your third eye with hallowed water, and hold a sacred stone over your heart. Breathe in and out deeply nine times, intoning this modern adaptation of a traditional Scottish prayer:
The peace of the gods,
The peace of all humans,
Be upon each thing
Which my eyes take in,
Upon my body,
Which is of the Earth,
Upon my spirit,
Which came from the old ones.
Peace between neighbors, Peace between kindred,
Peace between lovers,
The deep peace of joy,
The peace of the old gods,
The peace of the fairy bowers,
The stillness of peace,
The breath of peace everlasting.
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