POSTED UNDER Air, Bath, Bathroom, AND MORE

Spell for Healthy Hair

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Heliotrope
Color of the day: Orange
Incense of the day: Heliotrope

Bad hair days are a minor problem, but they can be an embarrassment and a cause for low-level stress that adds up. Set up at your bathroom sink. Warm half a cup of sweet almond oil. For normal hair, add half a cup of warm rose water. For dry hair, make a tea of dried rosemary leaves and add half a cup. For thin hair, add three tablespoons of warm honey. Put a picture of someone with great hair near the sink. Plunge your athame or wand into the hair recipe, visualizing beauty and good health. Say, "Healthy, growing, strong!" Using your hands, coat your hair with the consecrated mixture, repeating "Healthy, growing, strong!" over and over as you do so. Keep visualizing! Wrap your hair in a warm towel or plastic wrap for fifteen minutes. Continue to visualize and repeat your hair mantra, gazing at a candle or the picture you selected. Then wash your hair as usual.
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