POSTED UNDER Earth, Prayer

A Ritual to Honor the Mother Goddess

Place a white, female-shaped candle at the center of your altar, arranging fresh flowers around it. This candle represents the mother goddess; anoint it with three drops of frankincense and myrrh oil, and then light it with a match. After casting a circle and calling forth the guardians of the four elements, gaze into the flame of the candle, raise your arms in a traditional Witches' prayer position with palms turned up, and say: "Mother Goddess, creatress most ancient. This Witch's circle is consecrated to thee. You who are the giver of life; all that has been, all that is, and all that will be. This candlelight ritual I do perform in thy honor. You are the eternal and infinite queen of the gods and the greatest power on Earth, who commandest all that is. Praise be to thee, O Mother Goddess. So mote it be."
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