A Magic Broom Spell

Color of the day:  Maroon
Incense of the day:  Basil
Color of the day: Maroon
Incense of the day: Basil

The Witches' broom is as much a part of the Craft as the pointed hat or cauldron. Once charged with magical intent, the Witches' broom, or besom, can serve many purposes. It can direct energy like a wand or athame. You can even cast a circle with it. And as we'll see here, it is perfect for protecting the home. First pluck three straws from your broom and light them like a candle. Carry them through your home like a smudge stick to clear out any negativity. For protection, sprinkle some salt near your front door, then sweep the salt away from your home. To bless a new home, anoint the tips of the bristles with a bit of honey and sweep your front porch. And if a grouch has just left your home, sprinkle some ground cloves at your front door, grab your trusty broom, and sweep his energy away.
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