POSTED UNDER Blessing, Cat, Earth, AND MORE

An Offering to the Sea

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Eucalyptus
Color of the day: Yellow
Incense of the day: Eucalyptus

August is vacation month, and many of us spend time by the sea reflecting on her great mystery. The sea celebrates the union of Earth and sky. Her magical moondance of ebb and flow in step with wax and wane, inhale and exhale, is the very breath of spirit. We can sit by her side and witness the wheel turning, our own cyclic nature, and the power to transform our lives. To honor her mystery, rise when the Sun rises. Have an abalone shell to use as your altar. As you walk to the beach, gather small objects such as a seed pod, a bird's feather, a perfectly round stone that looks like the Full Moon, a twig in the shape of a rune, wild sweet peas, or sparkling sea glass. Give each object a purpose or symbolic meaning as you place it in your abalone shell. When you have reached the beach find a perfect spot that feels right to you. Cast a circle with driftwood. Sit down and place your sea altar before you. Raise your face to the warm Sun and greet the gods and goddesses of the sea. Ask them to accept your offering for their blessing of positive change and transformation.
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