POSTED UNDER Prosperity, Sun

Thor's Day of Power

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Jasmine
Color of the day: Crimson
Incense of the day: Jasmine

Thursday belongs to the Norse god Thor, and is ruled by the planet Jupiter. This is a good day for workings which relate to good health, physical strength, or prosperity. To increase your strength and vitality, wear the symbol of Thor: a hammer. You can find a Thor's Hammer pendant at most Pagan jewelry suppliers. String it on a purple, blue, or indigo cord. In the hour after sunrise, light two candles of matching color. Place the pendant between the candles and say:

In your hour, on your day,
Hear me as I stand and pray.
God of thunder,
God of might,
Lend your power
With this light.
In your symbol,
Store your strength,
Pour it out to me at length!

Wear the hammer pendant whenever you need extra power.
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