POSTED UNDER Charm, Luck, Sun

Sunwise Gathering Charm

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Basil
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Basil

Many magical practitioners are familiar with the concept of working in a sunwise direction. The term used to describe this motion is deosil, which comes from the Scottish Gaelic word deisil (or Irish deiseal), meaning "Sun-wise" or "toward the south." Widdershins, the opposite type of motion, was known as tuaitheal, "left-hand wise," or "northward." Right-hand movement was lucky or auspicious and left-hand motion unlucky (or associated with waning energies). For this reason, magical herbs were sometimes gathered with the right hand, as in this folk charm for gathering St. John's wort:
St. John's wort,
St. John's wort,
My envy whoever has thee.
I will pluck thee
With my right hand
And preserve thee
With my left.
I will gather my little plant
So that mine may be
Its power over all I see.
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