Spell for a Late Bus

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Myrrh
Color of the day: Green
Incense of the day: Myrrh

There's a simple spell you can do if you rely on public transportation. Carry paper and pencil with you. If the bus or train is late (or if you're running late, and it absolutely must come as soon as possible), take out your paper and pencil and draw the bus (or train) arriving. Get as detailed as possible. You can do a series of sketches, like cartoons; first the bus driving up, then stopping, then yourself getting on. Pour your concentration fully into your drawing. As you release energy into the drawing, you create a magical signal pulling the bus to you. Is this just a placebo effect? Did the bus come exactly when it would have anyway? No. Not only did your energy have an effect, but you also distracted yourself away from worried, unpleasant energy that might have been clogging things up.
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About Deborah Lipp
Deborah Lipp has been teaching Wicca, magic, and the occult for over thirty years. She became a Witch and High Priestess in the 1980s as an initiate of the Gardnerian tradition of Wicca. She's been published in many Pagan publications, including newWitch, Llewellyn's Magical Almanac, PanGaia, and ...
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