Scrying by Water Spell

Color of the day:  Indigo
Incense of the day:  Rue
Color of the day: Indigo
Incense of the day: Rue

The old-timers of Appalachia believed May was the most potent time to scry with water to see future events. Seekers would scry into wells, ponds, or glasses of water to find the answers to their questions. To do this, sit or stand comfortably before your choice of water. Imagine being surrounded by a protective circle of white light. Focus on your question and gaze at the water. Soon the water will mist over and seem to swirl. As the mist clears, the vision will come. Symbols, animal shapes, numbers, or complete scenes will appear. Keep your gazing sessions short. To enhance your experience, you may place a silver coin in the water to serve as a focal point. When done, release your circle of protective light and thank the divine power.
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