POSTED UNDER Blessing, Love

New Mom's Spell

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Narcissus
Color of the day: Silver
Incense of the day: Narcissus

Know a new or soon-to-be mom? Buy a mirror for her room or hallway and make or buy a baby blanket for her and her new child. Think of all the good wishes you want to bestow upon them both while purchasing or making it. When done, take the mirror, look into it, and say:
In love, your reflection will echo back between the years, 'tween mother and a child. May precious memories, through this mirror, reflect all the blessings I have for you. Love, long life, and joys to discover: protect this bond between child and mother.
Wrap the mirror in the blanket and then present them both as gifts. Instruct her to hang it somewhere where she and her child will pass often.
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