Bull by the Horns Spell

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Clove
Color of the day: Crimson
Incense of the day: Clove

If your shopping habits sometimes get you in trouble, try this binding spell to keep yourself out of trouble. Take the credit cards that you use and abuse the most, a pair of scissors, an envelope, and some twine. Set up a sacred space for yourself where you can sit comfortably. Take a length of twine about as long as your leg, and wrap the credit card in the string while saying,

I bind myself from overspending,
And overlook what tempts too much.
My cash flow sees a happy ending,
I learn to look and not to touch
As further debt is bound.

Seal the credit card in the envelope and then put it in your freezer. When your credit card bills come, after you've reviewed them and paid them each month, tuck each statement in the freezer next to your credit cards as a symbolic freeze on your account.
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