Give Birth to Prophecy Spell

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Pine
Color of the day: Blue
Incense of the day: Pine

Today is a good day to begin developing your own prophetic powers. January 11 through 15 is the Festival of Carmenta, the Roman birth goddess. Carmenta beheld the future of each child born. In her temple, it was forbidden to wear leather, so it's best not to wear any while working this spell. Choose a tool such as tarot cards, runes, or a new crystal. Place them on a mirrored surface and form a circle of salt around them on your altar. Say:

Oh goddess Carmenta! Giver of birth, seer of safe beginnings and future directions,I bid thee to grace this object with true prophecies and to bless me with the knowledge to use it well. So reflect back upon me, this power.
Blessed be.

If possible, leave the mirror in place for one full day. After twenty-four hours, begin to use your tool to guide you in your future.
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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=3208