POSTED UNDER Bath, Healing, Water

Open Your Options Spell

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Sage
Color of the day: Brown
Incense of the day: Sage

This spell energizes your career options by widening our perspective so that we may see other possibilities. Draw a warm bath. Add blessed salt, jasmine, roses, and vanilla to the water. Settle into the bath and let the warm water soak into your skin. Delight in the aroma. Breathe the healing steam. After about ten minutes begin to chant:
All is not as it may seem. I wish to see everything!
After chanting for several minutes, in a normal voice state your purpose:
I wish to see all of my career options.
Allow your face and whole body to slip into the water with your eyes open. Count to ten and come to the surface to breathe. Do this nine times in a row.
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