POSTED UNDER Autumn, Cat, Charm

Wreath Talisman

Color of the day:  Maroon
Incense of the day:  Myrrh
Color of the day: Maroon
Incense of the day: Myrrh

Select items you can find easily on the ground, or go to a craft store. Choose dried leaves, acorns, and milkweed pods, and use a hot-glue gun to attach them to a grape-vine wreath. This time of year stores are filled with decorative autumn items; try to find miniature brooms to attach to the wreath. Follow this spell to make the wreath a protective symbol. Use ribbon or yarn to create a pentacle symbol in the center or fashion one from twigs.

Wreath of autumn,
circle round,
Guard this space
from harm.
Protect all those
within these walls,
I dedicate this charm.
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