POSTED UNDER Moon, Water, Wind

Moonstone Scrying

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Sandalwood
Color of the day: Brown
Incense of the day: Sandalwood

Fill a black cauldron or a dark ceramic or glass bowl with clear water. Place a cleansed and consecrated moonstone in it. Light a white candle and keep it nearby. Sit either outside or near a window that has the light of the Full Moon coming through it. Ground, center, and quiet your mind. Ask a simply-phrased question and use the moonstone water to scry your answer. Take your time: you're working with the water and the unconscious. The images will swirl and form and mutate; don't try to make them be anything-let them be what they are. Make sure to write down both the question and the information revealed in detail. Dry the moonstone and cauldron thoroughly after use.
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