POSTED UNDER Earth, Garden, Spring, AND MORE

Garden Magic

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Juniper
Color of the day: Yellow
Incense of the day: Juniper
The hoe is a simple garden tool, almost unchanged in appearance since ancient times. Our early ancestors' hoe was a long stick with the shoulder blade of an animal attached to it. Ask any gardener what a hoe is used for, and they'll tell you it's for turning the soil and preparing a seed bed-but they fail to mention the "magic" found in a hoe. When you use a hoe in the spring, you are connecting with Mother Earth after winter's rest. You can feel it: the sun on your face, the feel of the hoe in your hand, and the scent of the moist, fresh earth. But the most magical part of all is when you lean on your hoe after a session in the garden. That is when you learn the secret only a fellow gardener would know: the Earth belongs to us, and we belong to the Earth.
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