POSTED UNDER Healing, Love

Healing Energy Spell

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Lilac
Color of the day: Orange
Incense of the day: Lilac
Send healing energy to a loved one quickly and easily with this simple spell. You will need a picture or other representation of your recipient, a green candle, and rosemary or lavender essential oil. Place the picture under the candleholder. Light the candle and place your hands on the table on either side of it. Take a calming, centering breath and visualize the person well and healthy again. Pour your energy into the image and send it spiraling out in his or her direction, asking that the energy be accepted if it is the best for the ill person. Ground yourself and cut the link to the spell. Allow the candle to burn out, or burn it over several days.
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