POSTED UNDER Family, Friends, Love, AND MORE

Harmony Spell

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Cedar
Color of the day: Green
Incense of the day: Cedar

On this day, the ancient Romans celebrated Concordia, also known as Caristia. They recognized the importance of harmony among family and friends. Each family would hold a feast and do their best to mend any quarrels among themselves. They exchanged small gifts and reconnected with loved ones. In music, harmony results from the concord of two or more different sounds. Without both the difference and the concord, there could be no harmony; and the same is true of human relationships. Celebrate today by sharing favorite family songs with
your loved ones. You might begin with a chant such as this:

We are simply notes
In a larger song
All our doubts and hopes
Carry us along
Voices in a chord
Souls in symphony
Weaving long and short
Perfect harmony
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