POSTED UNDER Love, Moon, Water

Silver Coin Divination

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Clove
Color of the day: Gray
Incense of the day: Clove

According to legend, this is a powerful day for divination. Since this is a day ruled by the Moon, the following divination would be appropriate. Fill a cauldron or a dark-colored bowl with water. Drop a silver coin into the water and darken the room. Light a candle behind you. When the surface of the water is still, gaze intently at the coin. Blink naturally and relax. The water-filled cauldron represents the depths of the inner self. The coin signifies the Moon in its full phase, and the height of psychic power. Think of a specific question. Your answer may come to you as a symbol or an actual image. The water may mist over and then clear, revealing an image. Keep your scrying sessions short-about ten minutes. If you wish, keep a journal of the things you see.
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