POSTED UNDER Friends, Love, Money, AND MORE

Beauty of the Season Spell

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Parsley
Color of the day: Orange
Incense of the day: Parsley

Winter can be the harshest season. It burns your cheeks with cold and dries out your skin. But winter can also be the most beautiful season. Bundle up and take a walk down the street or to your favorite park. Notice how different winter's quiet repose seems from spring's new beginnings, summer's hot vitality, and fall's sharp decay. Enjoy the freshness of the snow. Hear how it crunches underfoot, and feel the chilling freeze on your cheek. Let the beauty fill your heart with love. Take this love with you to your holiday celebrations and share it with friends and loved ones. Thank the goddess Aphrodite for the beautiful scenery by leaving food out for the birds, giving money or food to charity, or sharing the holiday with someone less fortunate.
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