Hermes and Aphrodite Celebration

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Frankincense
Color of the day: Gray
Incense of the day: Frankincense

In ancient Greece, people celebrated the feast of Hermes and Aphrodite on this day. Rather than focusing on romantic or physical love, this holiday emphasizes partnership. It honors the divine masculine and the divine feminine coexisting in harmony. On a more subtle level, it suggests the interdependence of mind and heart, intellect and emotion. Today, pay attention to your interactions with the opposite sex. Be open to opportunities for showing partnership and cooperation. Women may begin the day with this verse:

Goddess bright,
Rising from the brine.
Let my brothers turn to me.
Let me be their guiding light.

Men may begin the day with this:

Lord of speed and sky,
Skimming through the air.
Let my sisters hear my prayer.
Let me guard them as they fly.
Remember to look for the Goddess in each woman, the God in each man.
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