Seeing Synchronicity Spell

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Sage
Color of the day: Black
Incense of the day: Sage

Is something that happens just coincidence or is it meant to happen? According to Carl Jung, the Swiss psychoanalyst, a coincidence is meaningful and occurs for a purpose. This also known as synchronicity. Pay close attention to events in your life that you might dismiss as mere coincidences. These could be important steps in your personal and spiritual development. An event that appears to be coincidental, or events that appear random and isolated, are connected to your subconscious and individual purpose. Synchronicity is a sign of magic happening, designed to deliver a message to you. As you become aware of these "meaningful coincidences," you will begin to notice synchronicity at work around you. Here are some tips to help you develop synchronicity awareness. Keep a journal so you can review events and identify connections. Take notice of apparent coincidences and ask: What does this mean to me?
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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=2660