House Hunting Spell

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Lavender
Color of the day: Gray
Incense of the day: Lavender

It can be tricky to find the right combination of price, solid structure, and features that you want when you are shopping for a home. Look at as many houses as possible and spend as much time as you can looking. Do not jump at the first house you see. Always seek advice from experts when there are contracts to sign, offers to make, and questions to ask on the structure of the house. Before you start viewing each day, say this spell:

Guide my search today.
Help me find a home I pray.
Show me problems before I sign
So I can choose the right home to be mine.

Again, I can not emphasize enough the importance of seeking professional advice on issues that you have questions about. Half the work of a spell is doing the prep work and sweating just a little.
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