POSTED UNDER Earth, Relationships

Connect with Animal Spirits Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Almond
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Almond

There are many animal spirits and totems that want to work with us, help us, and build relationships with us. To connect with the animal spirit that would be most pertinent and useful to you in your life now, find a quiet sacred space and settle yourself there. If there are animal images that are important to you, bring them into the space, but let go of any expectations at the same time. In your space, have a bowl of earth from a place that is special to you, and bring a rattle. Light a brown candle that is scented, if possible, with musk and rose or juniper. Breathe deeply and go into a meditative state. As you breathe, begin to rattle gently and softly ask the animal to come to you. Be patient and continue your efforts with a focused mind. As an animal approaches, ask if it is your spirit guide. Listen to the answer and the messages that follow. When you have an answer, or if the animal seems ready to leave, stop rattling. Breathe deeply and thankfully. Extinguish the candle and clear your space.
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